Inside Out: Centro Escolar University - School of Medicine (CEU - SOM)

Inside Out: Centro Escolar University - School of Medicine (CEU - SOM)

written by: Aia Wagayen

Application Process

    In my experience, the application process for CEU-SOM is convenient, the only problem I encountered that day was to look for the finance department because I was unfamiliar with the campus. Good thing I was able to finish the process in less than 20 mins. I suggest that before you write on your application form, you should make sure that all your requirements are ready inorder to avoid problems during the process. First you need to get a copy of the application form in their website,, and then submit them along with the other requirements in the dean’s office. After which you will be required to pay for the application fee of 500 pesos (for AY 2019-2020) and your off to interview. Upon passing the interview, you will be required to pay a reservation fee of 20,000 because there are only limited slots available for incoming freshmen.
If you have further questions you can visit their website or call them at (+63)2 8735-68-61 to 71 loc. 334

Tuition fee
    For us freshmen, our tuition fee ranges from 120,000 to 130,000. It usually gets more expensive as you get to a higher level.

NMAT Score 
The NMAT score needed is 40, but I recommend to have a higher score than the minimum because the environment can be competitive at times due to the high number of aspiring medical students .

School Address
Centro Escolar University (Manila Campus)
9 Mendiola St., San Miguel, Manila City

Scholarships available that you know of
1. Entrance Scholarship
a. Summa Cum Laude - 100% discount on tuition and miscellaneous fee for 1 regular school year
b. Magna Cum Laude - 75% discount on tuition and miscellaneous fee for 1 regular school year
c. Cum Laude - 50% discount on tuition and miscellaneous fee for 1 regular school year
2. For continuing students
 - 100%, 75%, 50% discount on tuition and miscellaneous fees will be given to students with no grade lower than 2.50 in any subjects and with no record of violation punishable by suspension
3. Alumni of CEU
- 5% discount is given to students who are alumni of CEU in any of the three campus.

What is it like in your school? The culture, socials...
CEU-SOM was established in the year 2016 and is actually the youngest among the schools in CEU. This why we don’t have any events or social gatherings for students as of this moment. ‘Aral lang ng aral’ is what we do because the school is trying to build its reputation within the world of medical schools. Hence, we’re looking for that sense of solidarity, culture of camaraderie and sense of unity among the students in the whole school of medicine. However, in our year level and small groups, we still come to find that sense of unity despite it being small. Also, some of our ates and kuyas are of big help whether its on the academic, emotional or mental aspect.

What’s the system of teaching in your school, your school's forte? What's unique in your school?
The system of teaching for CEU-SOM is modular way which means it enables the learner to have control over his learning and accepts greater responsibility for learning. This maybe one of our advantages because they let us take initiative on how we will learn and discover things.
Interactive discussion is our school’s forte where in they let us engage in exchange of ideas and encourage discussion and collaboration among the students.
What I find unique in CEU-SOM is that our medical school incorporates biopsychosocial approach in all our intergrated learning activites. We don’t focus only on the biological aspects because as we learn the principles behind the diseases and its cure, we also take into consideration the importance of the social and psychological aspects. Another thing is that we have a course called Andragogy (which I think is not offered in other schools according to some friends) which means the understanding of the science and practice of adult learning.

What do you like most about your school?
I love everyone in school. They make the environment light and bearable. Also they are student friendly, because CEU-SOM hear our voices and opinions on things that are problematic.

How is the lifestyle in your school? Food, utilities, accessibility of transpo
Even if I live in QC, accessibility of transpo is not a disadvantage because buses, jeepney and even LRT pass by Aurora blvd. its just that you need to be up early in order to avoid the bad traffic congestion and crowding in the station. We have limited choices of food inside the campus (also same food yung sineserve nila everyday) but there are plenty of canteens and restaurants accessible within the area. 1st street is somewhat our go-to when we get tired of the canteen’s food because it’s near the campus. Fast-food restaurants are usually along P. Casal, which is about 3 minute walk from the campus. And if you are on a tight budget, the carinderias behind the main campus and beside the dentistry building is a must try. We have a medical library (yes, we have a library exclusively for medical students only) where you can access the internet
and books you need for additional information but if it gets cramped up there are many study hubs and cafe available in the area. There is Just-in-time study hub and coworking space located at Mendiola square, Recto Ave. which is a usual spot for my friends during examinations. There are still some study hub near but I haven’t tried them yet and i also don’t know their names. Also, if coffee is your bestfriend, coffee shops such as starbucks and tim hortons is only a jump away. Not to mention that our CEU iced coffee is a must try that even our friends from beda come to buy it.

                                                                                    How bearable is your med school?
I would say its bearable. It gave me a culture shock at first because I stopped for 2 years upon graduating my pre-med but I eventually overcomed it because of the best people, my friends. During our orientation, Dean Tinio, our dean, mentioned a couple of times that we should pick our circle carefully because they can either make or break you and that surrounding you with the right people can make a big difference, which is true on my experience. They don’t just help you in times when you are having hard time understanding your lessons but they also got your back when you’re having hard time in life. We don’t compete with each other instead we pull each other together in order for us to get through it as one because no one will get left behind. This is also the reason why I love CEU-SOM because the people are so nice.

Do you regret choosing your school?
I never regret choosing CEU-SOM because first, I wouldn’t meet these amazing people, my support system in school. second is that despite it being one of the youngest medical schools in the country, our school is academically competitive and everyday we are equipped with new knowledge and stronger values and virtues that will help us through out our journey. Padayon, Batch 2023.

Read the other features on this medical school series:

and also a feature on how to ace NMAT:

Hi to all! My friend, Caryl, who I recently featured about her self-studying journey for NMAT here in my blog is selling cookies to help pay her lolo's hospital bill who is currently in the ICU at Providence Hospital. If you are interested in buying, just send her a message on Facebook ( All your help would be appreciated! ( ◜‿◝ )♡


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